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Thanks for being in contact with us in the past year!

Of course, we want to keep you up to date with what we’re up to. If you don’t want to get these updates, make sure to unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

In this newsletter, you can read about yet another app running on, several new features and news about Solid.

Also, if you have any feedback or would like to talk about using for your own use case, feel free to schedule a call with me!

Happy holidays!
Wouter Janssens, CEO of Digita

App spotlight: Linckr

the Linckr application

Linckr is a new consumer platform within the legal and finance area. It allows people to easily compile and share their personal data with any service provider they want engage with. For example, when you acquire a property in the Netherlands you can centralise all your relevant data and documents and share them with all service providers you come across in that particular customer journey. This is the first of many journeys Linckr supports. Many more will follow. In every case, ease of use, and control over your own data is paramount!

Currently, you are not able to register or login to Linckr with an existing account. This will be made possible in the next few months.