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Customer story


People can log in with their WebIDs so they can reuse their existing authentication and data at each compatible app.

Two possible user journeys

  • Journey 1: Authorisation agent
    The app requires access to data and access has not yet been granted.
  • Journey 2: No authorisation agent
    The app does not require access to data or access has already been granted in the past.
Read more about the authorisation agent in the Solid application interoperability specification.
Journey 1
The following journey includes an authorisation agent step. This step is required if the application requires access to data and this access has not yet been granted in the past.
An authorisation agent is an application which the user trusts to make alterations to access control rules on his or her behalf. An authorisation agent parses the WebID of the application and looks at the application's access needs. These access needs are specified using Linked Data Shape Trees.
Journey 2
The following journey does not include an authorisation agent step. This step is not required if the application does not requires access to data or this access has already been granted in the past.